Execution deadline in working days
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Individual person
Public law legal person
Private law legal person
Receiving restrictions

Get a service

For anyone interested in JC "Base" the following equipment rental is available:
- sound equipment (2 speakers, remote control, microphone);
- Screen projector;
- Computer equipment.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The recipient of the service shall turn to the service provider in person, by telephone or by e-mail with a desire to lease the proposed inventory.

  2. Service Processing
    The staff member of the institution shall make the registration, drawing up the deed of acceptance and transfer and preparing the invoice.

  3. Service Fee Information
    The recipient of the service shall pay the service in accordance with the binding rules “Fee services in the professional direction education institutions and youth centres of the Gulbenes municipality”:
    Recording equipment - EUR 7.10 + VAT/h, EUR 15.00 + VAT/day
    Projector: EUR 2.84 + VAT/h, EUR 7.10 + VAT/day
    Hardware: EUR 2.84 + VAT/h, EUR 7.10 + VAT/day

  4. Receipt of services
    The necessary inventory is transferred to the recipient of the service.

Get a service